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OSHA Regulation Books: Updated for 2023

OSHA’s general duty clause states, “Each employer shall furnish to each of his employees employment and a place of employment which are free from recognized hazards that are causing or are likely to cause death or serious physical harm to his employees; shall comply with occupational safety and health standards promulgated under this Act. Furthermore, each employee shall comply with occupational safety and health standards and all rules, regulations, and orders issued pursuant to this Act which are applicable to his own actions and conduct.” With this in mind, keeping up with all OSHA standards, rules, regulations, and orders can be a daunting task for both employers and employees. Two helpful resources to ensure workplaces are informed and in compliance are our OSHA 29 Regulation books.

Our published OSHA 29 CFR 1910 General Industry Regulations  and CFR 1926 Construction Regulations books provide quick and easy access to critical safety guidance at all times. Clearly, this important reference will help employers and employees both quickly identify potential safety concerns and hazards on any job. In order to best serve the needs of everyone, we provide the updated books in two types of binding and in electronic formats. With accessibility in mind, perfect bound book includes 2-color tab end of the book displaying both regulation title and number. Additionally, our premium version of the book is ideal for those that take notes and highlight on their regulations. It’s bound in a loose-leaf, 3-ring, 2″ binder with tabs and it allows for easy navigation to the regulations you use most. These updated books contain all changes to the standards through January 1, 2023.

Features of 29 CFR 1910 and 1926 Industry Regulation Books: 

  • Record of recent edits and changes
  • Most frequently cited standards
  • Additional relevant parts of Title 29 
  • OSHA General Duty Clause
  • Two-color layout makes navigating and reading regulations easier
  • Includes all 1910 regulations
  • 1903 regulations covering inspections, citations and penalties,
  • 1904 regulations covering record keeping and reporting occupational injuries and illness
  • Easy-to-find regulations changes for the period between book releases
  • Easy-to-find OSHA interpretations icon shows which page and which regulations have interpretations to reference
  • Contains OSHA Form 300 and OSHA’s Cancer Policy
  • Most Frequently Cited Standards preceding relevant Subparts

Workplace compliance is challenging. For this reason, National Safety Compliance is working hard to help employers and employees meet this requirement and stay safe at work. Staying on top of compliance begins with being aware of all the safety standards that apply to your workplace. Which is why NSC has compiled our 1910 and 1926 regulation books. Given that there is so much information to keep track of, having OSHA regulations accessible and aesthetically pleasing benefits everyone.

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