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Working to Make Work Zones Safer for Everyone

Work Zone

National Work Zone Awareness Week (NWZAW) is an annual spring campaign held at the start of construction season to encourage safe driving through highway work zones. The key message is for drivers to use extra caution in work zones. An event that started with a local campaign in Bristol, Virginia to raise awareness for work zone safety has grown into an annual national event for 24 years. This year it is hosted by the Maryland Department of Transportation, April 15-19.

In 1999 VDOT (Virginia Department of Transportation), the Federal Highway Administration, and the American Association of State Highway Transportation Officials began working in collaboration to launch the first NWZAW in 2000. Together they outlined goals for the campaign.

National Work Zone Awareness Week Goals:

  • Initiate efforts to raise awareness of the need for more caution when driving through work zones to decrease fatalities and injuries;
  • Establish and promote a uniform set of safety tips;
  • The value of training and importance of best practices in regard to work zone safety would be promoted among individuals in the private sector, industry, and roadway workers;
  • Reach out to both roadway workers and contractors to communicate possible effects of motorists’ behavior in response to traffic delays, and advise on what steps might possibly be taken to lessen negative behavior; and
  • Outreach efforts would be made to work with entities involved with work zone safety and to form partnerships.

The initial national kickoff event was held in Springfield, Virginia. Every other year, the kickoff event is hosted in the Washington, D.C. area and in the alternate years it travels to cities around the country. In 2004, NWZAW’s fifth year, the executive committee decided to incorporate a theme with the event to better promote work zone safety. The first theme was, “The Worker’s Office Is the Roadway.” This year the theme is, “Work Zones are temporary. Actions behind the wheel can last forever.”

In 2016 National Go Orange Day was introduced as a new element of NWZAW. Individuals and organizations are encouraged to wear orange to show support for work zone safety. Posting to social media using #Orange4Safety and # NWZAW is another way to to spread the message.

Thankfully, National Work Zone Awareness Week (NWZAW) has been successful in spreading awareness for work zone safety across the country. It is easy to get involved and help bring awareness to this responsibility we all share. It is everyone’s duty to be alert, obey the signs, and keep workers and other drivers safe in work zones.

Nationwide events include:

  • Work Zone Safety Training Day – April 15
  • National kickoff event – April 16
  • Go Orange Day – April 17
  • Social media storm – April 18
  • Moment of Silence – April 19. The moment of silence was started in 2022 to remember the men and women whose lives were lost in a work zone incident.

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