Excavation & Trenching Training Booklets (pkg of 10)


This training booklet introduces employees to the serious hazards of excavation and trenching projects and the step to approaching these projects safely.


An excavation is any man-made cut, cavity or depression in the earth’s surface, formed by earth removal. This includes a trench, which is a narrow type of excavation made below the ground that is deeper than it is wide. Trenches can be up to 15 feet wide. Trenches and excavations are common at many construction sites and are considered one of the most dangerous construction operations. It is estimated that 100 plus deaths per year occur due to cave-ins and other excavation hazards. OSHA requires that workers in trenches and excavation areas be protected. Most fatalities and injuries could be avoided with proper knowledge, utilization of OSHA safety standards and an effective health and safety program.

This 16-page booklet is an excellent resource to complement our training course, and addresses the following areas:

  • Contents of the OSHA standard
  • Types & characteristics of forklifts
  • Pre-operational inspections of forklifts
  • Basic driving, stability and load handling
  • Fuels & batteries
  • Attachments

Additional Information Weight 0.6 lbs Dimensions 8.5 x 5.5. x 0.5 in Language English, Spanish

Additional information

Weight 0.6 lbs
Dimensions 8.5 × 5.5 × 0.5 in

English, Spanish


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