New Standards for MEWPs in 2020
New Safety Training Standards for MEWPS (Aerial and Scissor Lifts)
*Adoption of the new standards has been changed to June 1st, 2020.
In December 2018 new ANSI aerial and scissor lift standards were released. These new best-practice standards were set to take effect on December 10th of 2019. At the 2019 ASC A92 Aerial Work Platforms Annual Meeting in October 2019 the A92 Main Committee voted to delay the implementation of the new ANSI A92 suite of standards. The new effective date is June 1, 2020. If you would like to would like to get started training now, we have complete MEWP safety training video kits available on DVD, USB, Digital Access, or via Online Training Course.
The reason for the change was due to appeals concerning requirements that the Manual of Responsibilities be placed on every Mobile Elevating Work Platform (MEWP) and that modifications or additions to a MEWP could only be made with the permission of the manufacturer. The decision by the ANSI Board of Standards Review regarding the appeals, resulted in some revisions of the language which violated the ANSI Commercial Terms Policy.
The delay in implementation and enforcement of the new standards should not cause companies to halt changes from being made now in order to be in compliance come March 1st. The new standards were devised to increase the safety of all entities involved with the use of MEWPS. If you have not already started to implement policies, rules and procedures to comply with the new standards, this delay is your opportunity to get on track and be ready. You should start now to familiarize yourself with the major changes and requirements of the new standards with the goal of achieving compliance as quickly as possible. In additional to changes in training requirements, equipment design, and job site safety rules, new terminology and classifications regarding aerial and scissor lifts are taking effect. We will discuss a few of the requirements below.
MEWP Terminology and Classification
Aerial Work Platforms have been renamed and are now called Mobile Elevating Work Platforms or MEWPs. Along with the new terminology for lifts is a new classification system. Previously, Aerial Work Platforms were classified by product type like scissor lifts, boom lifts, etc. MEWPs will now be classified into “groups” and sub-divided into three “types.”
Group classification is determined by whether the lift stays within the tipping lines or moves beyond the tipping lines. “Group A” MEWPs move vertically but stay within the chassis or tipping lines. Scissor lifts are an example of this group. “Group B” MEWPs can move beyond the machine’s chassis or tipping lines (wheels or outriggers). Group B generally refers to boom lifts.
MEWP Type is determined by whether the lift can travel when stowed or elevated and the location of the controls which allow such travel.
- Type 1 MEWPs can only travel with the platform in a stowed position.
- Type 2 MEWPs can travel elevated and is controlled from the chassis.
- Type 3 MEWPs can travel elevated and is controlled from the platform.
(Note: Type 2 and type 3 MEWPs can be combined.)
MEWP Equipment Changes
Additional safety design features are now required on all new MEWPs. New safety features include load and tilt sensing, stability test for pneumatic tires, wind force requirements for outdoor use, toe-boards on all platform areas, non-flexible entrance gates, taller platform railings, and sustained involuntary operation controls. Operators must be familiarized with the MEWPs being used and trained on the new safety features prior to operating. Existing equipment is not required to be retrofitted to meet the new design requirements. Therefore, it is important for all employees to know the differences between the company’s various MEWPs and are properly trained on both as needed.
MEWP Safe Use
A Safe Use Plan must be established for each specific MEWP. The plan should include worksite risk assessment to identify hazards, evaluate risk, create control measures, and communicate results with all affected employees. Other areas which must be covered include but is not limited to the following:
- Selection and use of the appropriate MEWP;
- An assessment of the support surface;
- Familiarization of the specific MEWP to be used;
- Monitoring of the work performance of the operator by a trained and qualified supervisor; and
- Requirements for documentation of records.
MEWP Manuals and Safety-Related Bulletins
Operation manuals provided by the manufacturer must be stored in a weather-proof compartment on the MEWP. Employers must ensure operators read and understand the manual or has it explained to them. MEWPs must be registered with the manufacturer to ensure safety-related bulletins are received.
Different inspections must be performed to ensure the safety of all involved with the use of MEWPs. Inspections are the key to identifying and correcting any malfunctions and/or problems associated with the MEWP before the MEWP is put into operation. The three inspections are Frequent Inspections, Annual Inspections, and Pre-Start Inspections. A qualified person must perform the frequent and annual inspections while the MEWP operator is the one to perform the pre-start inspections. The MEWP should not be put into service until all malfunctions and/or problems found during the inspections have been corrected.
- A frequent inspection must be performed prior to placing a MEWP into service or if the MEWP has been out of service longer than three months.
- The annual inspection must be performed at least once every 12 months. It must include all items checked on the frequent inspection and any additional items specified by the manufacturer.
- Pre-start inspections must be performed every day or at the beginning of each shift.
MEWP Rescue Planning
A written rescue plan must be created and incorporated into the company’s training procedures which addresses falls from the platform. Rescue planning is necessary to ensure the safe and timely rescue of workers from heights in the event of a MEWP breakdown, platform entanglement or a fall from the platform. The plan should limit the time anyone on the work platform, known as an occupant, is suspended after an arrested fall. The rescue plan can include the following:
- Self-rescue – by person involved
- Assisted rescue – by others at the work site
- Technical rescue – by emergency services
MEWP Qualifications and Training
MEWP-specific training must be provided to operators and their supervisors by a qualified person and must be presented in a both a language and vocabulary the trainee can understand.
- Operators – Can only operate MEWPs on which they have been trained, familiarized, and authorized to operate. Operators must be physically and mentally capable of operating the MEWP safely.
- Occupant – MEWP operators must provide instructions and/or make sure all occupants have a basic level of knowledge to work safely on the MEWP. At least one occupant must be taught how to operate the MEWP controls in case of an emergency where the operator becomes incapacitated. This does not give the occupant the authority to operate the MEWP except in an emergency.
- Familiarization – Employers must ensure the trained operator is familiarized with the specific MEWP to be used before authorizing the operator to use it. Familiarization includes:
- Locati of the manufacturer’s operation manuals and confirmation they are present;
- Purpose and function of all controls, features and devices; and
- Limitations and operating characteristics.
Implementation of the new standards might seem a little overwhelming when you consider the entirety of them. But compliance will not be so difficult once you begin to make the necessary changes. Keep the health and safety of your employees the focus as you incorporate the new standards into your work policies and procedures.
For our MEWP Training Kits on DVD, USB, or Digital Access visit:
For our MEWP Training Kits via online LMS visit:
25 thoughts on “New Standards for MEWPs in 2020”
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What about MEWPs used in a rental capacity? If the rental company does a daily inspection, then contracts the machine for say 3 days, would the rental company be responsible to collect inspection data from the customer while it is in their possession? The company’s transportation crew would most likely be in direct contact with the customer when delivering and picking up the rental unit.
Any light you could shed on how a rental operation should adhere to these new standards?
That is a good question! We aren’t sure of the answer exactly, so give us a couple days and we’ll get back with you next week.
This is not all inclusive of the new standards but some highlights. Whenever an entity (a manufacturer, dealer, owner, user, supervisor, operator, occupant, lessor, lessee, or broker) is acting in the capacity of another entity as defined in this standard, they shall assume the responsibilities of that entity. Rental companies act in the capacity of many different entities; therefore, they must be prepared to meet the standards regarding the different entities.
For instance, if an employee is moving a MEWP on company property, they are acting as an operator. If someone is on the platform with them, they are occupants. Proper training and supervision must be provided to both of these employees.
In reference to the one question about the daily inspections and whether they need to collect them from the company leasing the lift, I do not believe that is required. Once the company renting the lift takes possession of the lift, they are now responsible for meeting the requirements of the standards. The customer must perform the required inspections and maintain record of them as required. The rental company is required to offer familiarization and/or training to the lessor and must deliver said familiarization and/or training if the customer requests it. The rental company does not have to do it themselves; they can advise the customer where it can be obtained. But they must make it available.
Can you tell me how often an operator would need to be rained? Is it annually or once trained in the new MEWP ANSI standards, would that be all that is required?
Hello Sherri, I have a few more thoughts to add to Tim’s reply concerning the training requirements. Training must be provided to MEWP operators and their supervisors and include the inspection, maintenance, use, application, and operation of MEWPs. Supervisors of MEWP operators must also complete training. Only personnel properly trained in compliance with ANSI and OSHA standards and who have received unit-specific familiarization can operate a MEWP. The user (employer, company) determines if personnel are qualified to operate the MEWP prior to authorization. Additionally, training is required for each of the classifications of MEWP. Neither OSHA nor ANSI specifies a time for which training is valid or when to conduct retraining. There is no expiration time frame for Aerial Lift Operator training. It is determined by the company or employer of the operator. An operator may be required to receive retraining based on observation and evaluation and according to the situations stated in Tim’s comment. I hope this information was helpful.
The ANSI Standards do not specify a time frame or specific frequency of training. Both the ANSI A92 and A94 say something like this:
A qualified person must monitor, supervise, and evaluate operators on a regular basis to ensure
their ability and competence to operate the MEWP. Retraining would be required in at least the
following situations:
Expiration of the operator’s valid training period;
1. Operator’s performance is not adequate;
2. Operator has not operated a MEWP for an extended period;
3. The introduction of new or significantly different technology; and
4. The operator is involved in an accident or near miss.
We would recommend at minimum training on an annual basis.
Training: Instruction to enable the trainee to become a qualified person regarding the task to be performed, including knowledge regarding potential hazards.
Retraining: Required instruction based on the user’s observations or evaluations to maintain a previously trained person’s status as a qualified operator.
A person must receive training as defined in A92.24 prior to authorization to operate a MEWP. Retraining is base on the referenced requirements above that can include training again OR only instructions required based on the user’s observations or evaluations to maintain a previously trained person’s status as a qualified operator. There is NO timeline requirement EXCEPT at the expiration of the operators valid training period – typically 3 years but can extend long (ie 5 years is in the market).
Is this osha regulated ?
OSHA regulates MEWPS regulations 29 CFR 1910.67, 29 CFR 1910.269(p), 29 CFR 1926.21, 29 CFR 1926.453, 29 CFR 1926.502. OSHA references ANSI standard A92.2-1969 in their regulations as well as in many of their publications.(See this OSHA fact sheet as an example: ANSI standards are not laws or regulations but they are the basis for the design, operation and maintenance of MEWPs. Following ANSI standards is voluntary. OSHA regulations on the other-hand are law and compliance is required. When ANSI standards are referenced in OSHA regulations, they become law.
It is important to realize OSHA will enforce the general duty clause which requires employers to provide a workplace free from recognized hazards. ANSI standards are considered best practices and are a consensus of safe guidelines based on input from experts in the field. As best practices they are considered the “standard.” By not following ANSI standards, employers risk violations from OSHA under the general duty clause. We believe it is in employers and employees best interest to follow and abide by ANSI standards. This ensures a safe and healthy work environment.
How does this training cover the third part of the standard in practical training and observation?
Our training programs are designed to be used for the theory/classroom portion of training. Our MEWP training is divided into three different training programs with the “Training” kit specifically covering the ANSI Training Requirements Standard ANSI 92.24. In that training program we state the requirements for the theory setting and the requirements for the practical/hands-on training. The training kits contain a manual which includes a MEWP Operator Assessment Form for employers to use to assess not only the theory/classroom training but also the hands-on operator training. Our programs run between 15-25 minutes long. While we try to cover much of each standard or regulation it is impossible to address every section/detail of every regulation without it being a three or four hour video. As you know a training video that long would not be very effective. We would be happy to email you a copy of the program outlines to review so you can know exactly what is covered in each training program. Just send an email to and request the MEWP outlines. And you can also preview the videos in their entirety on each individual topics page. Just scroll towards the bottom of each page and you will find the previews. I hope this information was helpful.
Through training we have been told that there needs to be a 2nd qualified operator onsite, but not in the lift, who is able to control the lift in the case of an emergency. I have not been able to find the verbiage to support this in the new ANSI standards to this point.
Is a familiarization, or occupant level training (emergency controls) acceptable for ground personnel if providing a second qualified operator is not feasible?
Hey Jerry,
I hope I can help answer your question. According to the new ANSI standards users must “ensure that there is another qualified person on site, who is not working on the platform and knows how to use the emergency controls.” This is in ANSI A92.22-2018 I am not aware of any place that it states another “operator” has to be on-site. They just have to be qualified to operate the emergency controls. That is what I know but it is merely my opinion/knowledge. I tried to find some kind of statement or rule about another operator being required on-site in both the Safe Use and Training ANSI standards as well as in OSHAs CFRs but didn’t see anything. So I believe you are on the right track. I hope this information helped.
Do occupants/riders require the training? If so what training?
Occupants are any person in the work platform. The requirement is NOT training, rather instructions similar to providing familiarization.
A92.22 (safe-use), Section 6.2.2 Occupant Knowledge
The user shall ensure that the MEWP operator provide instruction or otherwise ensure all occupants have a basic level of knowledge to work safely on the MEWP. Occupant knowledge shall comply with ANSI A92.24 Section 7.4.
A92.24 (training) Section 7.4 Occupant Knowledge
The MEWP operator shall provide instruction or otherwise ensure all occupants have a basic level of knowledge to work safely on the MEWP. This instruction should also provide at least one of the occupants with the knowledge to operate the controls in an emergency where the operator cannot. This instruction does not give the occupant authorization to operate the controls at any time except in an emergency. The knowledge that every occupant must have shall include as a minimum the following:
a) the requirement to use fall protection and the location of fall protection anchors;
b) factors including how their actions could affect stability;
c) safe use of MEWP accessories they are assigned to use;
d) site-specific work procedures the occupants must follow related to the operation of the MEWP;
e) hazards related to the task at hand and their avoidance, to include any applicable site risk
f) general knowledge of the intended purpose and function of MEWP controls and safety-related items specified by the manufacturer, including emergency shut-down and lowering procedures, to the extent required to lower the MEWP safely to the ground/stowed position (see NOTE); and
g) manufacturer’s warnings and instructions.
NOTE: The requirements in item f) above need only to be conveyed to at least one other occupant.
Good Morning,
I’ll try to answer your question. Occupants must be provided instructions and a basic level of knowledge to work safely on the MEWP. The responsibility for providing this information falls to the Operator. In addition, at least one occupant must be taught how to operate the MEWP controls in case of an emergency where the operator becomes incapacitated.Some of the knowledge required includes:
*The use of fall protection and the location of fall protection anchors
*Stability factors
*Site-specific work procedures
*Hazards related to the task at hand
*General knowledge of the intended purpose and function of the MEWP cotnrols and safety-related items (only needs to be taught to one occupant.)
*Manufacturer’s warnings and instructions
These are the requirements put forth by ANSI in their new ANSI A92.24 training standards. I hope this was helpful.
Dan W.
I did not see Tony’s reply before I sent mine. He provided more detail with his answer! I didn’t need to reply at all. lol
1) Per Cal/OSHA a fire extinguisher is not required on a electrical scissor lift on Mast lifts. Has anyone required fire extinguisher to be placed in electric scissor lift?
2) Per Cal/OSHA no fall protection is required for a scissor lift since it is only working in a vertical position?
3) Per Cal/OSHA there is no refresher training only if there is an accident with the driver, or driver is observed that requires retraining? On the July 17, 2020 posting, Posting says “There is NO timeline requirement EXCEPT at the expiration of the operators valid training-typically 3 years but can extend long (ie 5 years is in the market). Per Cal/OHSA they have no expiration.
4) Per Cal/OSHA the employer can have a Qualified Person to conduct the training without being Trained by a third part. Ex., Environmental, Health, and Safety employee that is designated as the Qualified Person is acceptable.
5) Cal/OSHA has not yet accepted ANSI A92.24- 2018 they are still using 2006. Cal/OSHA informed me to follow their guidelines.
Hello Jim,
Thanks for the information concerning Cal/OSHA. Our training programs are based on Federal OSHA and ANSI standards. While we realize various states have their own OSHA programs, it is just not feasible for us to produce training programs specific to every individual state’s regulations and standards. Your information sheds light on the fact that business are ultimately responsible for knowing the steps and procedures they must take to comply with the regulations and standards which apply to them. It can sometimes be a slippery road to navigate. We wish you the best as you move forward in providing a safe and healthy workplace for your employees and coworkers.
Do trainers need to be certified or can anyone that reviews the ANSI standards sign off on lift operators? Would someone need to attend something like the JLG Train the Trainer course in PA or is it fine if someone familiar with ANSI standards trains and ‘certifies’ them to operate?
Hello Anthony, Sorry for the delayed reply. According to the new ANSI standards training must be provided by a qualified person who is experienced with the particular classification of MEWP and knowledgeable regarding the laws, regulations, safe use practices, manufacturer’s requirements, and recognition and avoidance of hazards associated with MEWPs.
A qualified person is defined as “A person who, by possession of a recognized degree, certificate or professional standing, or by extensive knowledge, training and experience, has successfully demonstrated his/her ability to solve or resolve problems related to the subject matter, the work or the project.”
So to answer your question (just our opinion) if your trainer meets the definition of a Qualified Person then they should be good to do the training. I think you need more than just one of your employees signing off on the training for everyone. Your trainer may or may not need additional training. If you believe they are qualified to train based on the info provided from the new ANSI standard then they don’t need the additional training. With that said, training is always a good idea and refresher training is sometimes even required for some topics. Reinforcing safety and health training is a positive thing for the company and employees.
The rental company “must” provide training and familiarization. While the rental company can refer your company to third party trainer, the “familiarization” part is, as I read it, is the duty of the driver who delivers the MEWP. As an example I’m trained on a MEPW Type 3A. The driver delivers a similar model than the one I’ve trained on, He (delivery driver) must, if requested, provide me with the specifics of that model ( safety features weight, specific characteristics, rough terrain ). I can then use that model as “operator” under the supervision of the “Supervisor” who will evaluate my skills operating and document that specific MEWP in my collection of lMEWP’s that I can use as an “Operator”. As I am in large scale construction this will be quite a list for each person, based on the many different models of lifts and boom lifts available. Please comment with your thoughts..
[…] “Group A” MEWPs move vertically but stay within the chassis or tipping lines. Scissor lifts are an example of this group. “Group B” MEWPs can move beyond the machine's chassis or tipping lines (wheels or outriggers). Type 2 MEWPs can travel elevated and is controlled from the chassis. via […]
[…] MEWPs will now be classified into “groups” and sub-divided into three “types.” Group classification is determined by whether the lift stays within the tipping lines or moves beyond the tipping lines. via […]
[…] New Standards for MEWPs in 2020 | National Safety Compliance […]