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2023 Penalty Increase for all OSHA Violations

Penalty Increase for 2023 Announced

In addition to OSHA’s heightened focus on enforcement, the U.S. Department of Labor recently announced changes to Occupational Safety and Health Administration civil penalty amounts based on cost-of-living adjustments for 2023. Since 2015, agencies have been required to adjust penalties and make subsequent annual adjustments for inflation. The purpose of increased penalties is to improve the effectiveness and to maintain their deterrent effect.

This year, OSHA’s maximum penalties for serious and other-than-serious violations will increase from $14,502 per violation to $15,625 per violation. The maximum penalty for willful or repeated violations will increase from $145,027 per violation to $156,259 per violation. These increases, in addition to OSHA’s enhanced focus on enforcement, remind employers how critical it is to pay attention to their responsibility to provide a safe workplace for all employees. The ability to cite each individual violation separately could mean significantly higher costs for non compliance.

The best way to avoid workplace safety violations is an ongoing dedication to education and training. Both employers and employees must be aware of all the safety concerns at their workplace and be prepared to address those safety issues. Is your safety education program equipping your workers to keep themselves safe at work? It is helpful to be aware of common workplace hazards as well as the unique hazards specific to your own work environment. Are you aware of the top cited OSHA violations and how to address those?

OSHA’s Top 10 Cited Violations for 2021 & 2022

 1. Fall ProtectionFall Protection
 2. Hazard CommunicationRespiratory Protection
 3. Respiratory ProtectionLadders
 4. LaddersHazard Communication
 5. ScaffoldingScaffolding
 6. Lockout/TagoutFall Protection Training
 7. Powered Industrial TrucksControl of Hazardous Energy
 8. Fall Protection TrainingEye and Face Protection
 9. Personal Protective and Lifesaving EquipmentPowered Industrial Trucks
10. Machine GuardingMachinery and Machine Guarding

At NSC, our mission is to provide the tools and information businesses need to create safe, efficient and compliant workplaces. Check out all the resources available on our website.

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