In the healthcare field employees are the most important part of any safety program. You may come across unique and possibly fatal hazards everyday. This program will show you how to protect yourself from some of the most common hazards. This program is not a comprehensive training program for each topic covered. Its purpose is to provide an accurate, but brief, overview of the various topics discussed. Your employer will provide more in-depth training on those safety hazards which you might encounter on a more frequent basis.
Healthcare Safety Orientation Training Class Topic Overview:
- Slips, Trips & Falls
- Back Safety
- Fire Safety
- Electrical Safety
- Hazard Communication
- Personal Protective Equipment
- Bloodborne Pathogens
- Needlesticks
- Handling Medical Waste
- Good Housekeeping
Our easy-to-use video kit provides all the necessary materials for running successful training with minimal prep, including:
- 16 Minute Safety Orientation for Healthcare Training Video
- Safety Orientation for Healthcare PowerPoint Presentation for classroom use
- Printable documents, including:
- Training outline
- Compliance Manual
- Completion Certificate & Wallet Cards / ID card
- Attendance Log / Sign-In Form
- Employee Quiz and Answer Key
- Workplace Safety supplemental documents
Course Outcomes
After completing this training, your workers will have a good foundation of knowledge of healthcare workplace hazards and how to navigate medical work with safety in mind.
Who should take this course?
All new workers in healthcare, including administrative staff, nursing staff, doctors, and interns. This training is also suitable for members of management, supervisors, to train the trainer and for refresher courses.
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