Drug & Alcohol Abuse for Managers Training Video Kit


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Your position as a manager or supervisor can sometimes be a difficult one. You must balance your responsibilities to the organization for which you work and the employees you supervise. Additionally, you must make sure the workplace is safe for all by helping create, implement and enforce safety rules and procedures. An area where this balancing act has become increasingly important involves the use of drugs and alcohol by employees. Substance abuse is a serious problem affecting the workplace. Substance abuse can hinder an employee’s ability to perform their job duties safely, accurately and efficiently. When drug or alcohol use impacts job performance, it becomes a supervisory concern with possible consequences for everyone in the workplace. This training covers drug and alcohol abuse topics for members of management. It serves as a strong foundational training to help supervisors and managers not only spot troubling substance abuse problems in the workplace but to guide their employees to seek help.

Drug & Alcohol Abuse for Managers Training Class Topic Overview:

  • Responsibilities of managers
  • Substance abuse indicators
  • Employee Assistance Programs (EAPs)
  • Handling workplace instances involving substance abuse
  • Enabling behaviors & traps
  • Intervention & referral

Our easy-to-use training kit provides all the materials you need to conduct a successful training class, including:

  • 17-minute Drug & Alcohol Abuse for Managers training video written by industry professionals
  • Drug & Alcohol Abuse PowerPoint Presentation for classroom use
  • Printable documents, including:
    • Training outline
    • Compliance Manual
    • Completion Certificate & Wallet Cards / ID card
    • Attendance Log / Sign-In Form
    • Employee Quiz and Answer Key
    • Drug and Alcohol safety supplement printout

Course Outcomes After completing this training, management and supervisors will understand how to spot and handle substance abuse in the workplace. Who should take this course? Managers and supervisors of employees in all industries can benefit from this training. This training is also suitable for refresher courses and to train the trainer. The following are previews of the Drug & Alcohol Abuse for Managers Training videos:

Additional information

Weight 0.2 lbs
Dimensions 8 × 5.5 × 0.8 in

English, Spanish




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