DOT Hazmat Security Awareness Training DVD


This training satisfies the Department of Transportation’s HAZMAT training for security awareness requirements.


In an effort to fight terrorism and improve the security of hazardous materials being shipped, the Department of Transportation has added three major security requirements to their HAZMAT regulations. Companies that handle hazardous materials must develop a “Security Plan” and give their employees “Security Awareness” and “In-Depth Security” training.

The program “Safety Training for Handling and Transporting Hazardous Materials” focuses on employees who handle hazardous materials. The video/DVD program in this kit makes employees aware of the hazards associated with the materials they handle… and shows them how to secure and work with these materials safely. The posters in the kit emphasize the importance of using appropriate personal protective equipment when working with hazardous chemicals.

DOT HAZMAT In-Depth Security Training Class Topic Overview:

  • The DOT’s HAZMAT safety requirements.
  • Hazardous materials that employees may encounter.
  • Hazard “indicators”, such as labels, shipping papers and placards.
  • The use of personal protective equipment.
  • Proper handling procedures.
  • Methods and procedures for avoiding accidents.
  • Accidents/emergencies involving hazardous materials.
  • Spills and cleanup procedures.
  • Security risks and terrorism.

Course Outcomes
After this training course, handlers who come in contact with hazardous materials during packaging, shipping and transport should have an improved sense of safety and HAZMAT awareness.

Who should take this course?

Any employees who handle or transport potentially hazardous materials. This training is also suitable for use to train the trainer.

Additional information

Weight 3.2 lbs
Dimensions 15 × 15 × 3 in

English, Spanish


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