Active Shooter: Surviving an Attack DVD


A step-by-step training guide for survival techniques during active shooter scenarios for the workplace.


All too often these days, we hear about active shooter scenarios in public areas, nightspots and even workplaces. If the unthinkable were to occur, what should your employees do?

Our Active Shooter: Surviving an Attack training course provides in-depth insight into the survival techniques that law enforcement agencies recommend in active shooter scenarios.

Active Shooter: Surviving an Attack Training Course Overview:

  • Preparing for the unpredictable
  • Recognizing and surviving an attack
  • Running from a shooter
  • Hiding from a shooter
  • Fighting a shooter
  • What to do when the police arrive

Our easy-to-use video kit provides all the necessary materials for running successful training classes, including:

  • Active Shooter: Surviving an Attack training video written by industry professionals
  • Active Shooter Scenario PowerPoint Presentation for classroom use
  • Printable documents, including:
    • Training outline
    • Compliance Manual
    • Completion Certificate & Wallet Cards / ID card
    • Attendance Log / Sign-In Form
    • Employee Quiz and Answer Key

Course Outcomes
After completing this course, your workers will have a good understanding of what they can do to protect themselves and their co-workers during an active shooter scenario.

Who should take this course?

Any new or seasoned employee can benefit from this training. This training can be used during new hire orientation, annual refresher training or to train the trainer.

Additional information

Weight 3.2 lbs
Dimensions 15 × 15 × 3 in

English, Spanish


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