Personal Protective Equipment Safety Training Video Kit



OSHA requires the use of Personal Protective Equipment to reduce employee exposure to hazards when engineering and administrative controls are not feasible or effective in reducing the exposure to acceptable levels. Employers are required to determine if PPE should be used to protect their workers. 29 CFR 1910.132 covers PPE and provides the regulations that employers must follow. Specific PPE, such as eye and face protection, respiratory protection, head protection and others are addressed in separate standards. Many other OSHA standards such as Hazard Communications, Bloodborne Pathogens, Electrical, and Permit-Required Confined Spaces require the use of PPE as it pertains to that particular topic.

Employers and employees must understand how to use PPE. This training course covers not only the use, but how to maintain and sanitize PPE and requirements for its safe design. All PPE must be used and maintained in a sanitary and reliable condition.

Personal Protective Equipment PPE Training Class Topic Overview:

  • What is PPE?
  • Contents of the OSHA standard
  • Financial Responsibility
  • Hazard Assessment
  • Training
  • Types of PPE
  • Maintenance of PPE

Our easy-to-use video kit provides all the necessary materials for running successful training with minimal prep, including:

  • 24 Minute Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Safety Training Video
  • Personal Protective Equipment Training PowerPoint Presentation for classroom use
  • OSHA Standard 29 CFR 1910.132-.138 compliant content
  • Printable documents, including:
    • Training outline
    • Compliance Manual
    • Completion Certificate & Wallet Cards / ID card
    • Attendance Log / Sign-In Form
    • Employee Quiz and Answer Key
    • PPE Training handouts

Course Outcomes

After completing this workplace training, your workers will understand basic workplace hazards and risks, as well as how to mitigate them. They will also understand the importance of personal hygiene, first aid, and avoiding repetitive stress injuries with proper ergonomic practices.

Who should take this course?

Any employee, supervisor, or manager that works in an office or clerical setting.

Additional information

Weight0.2 lbs
Dimensions8 × 5.5 × 0.8 in

English, Spanish




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