Heat Stress Safety Streaming (Spanish)


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Many workers are exposed to extreme heat conditions during the course of their work day and are at risk of heat stress. Exposure can lead to illness, injuries and even death. Extreme heat can also increase the risk of workers injuring themselves and others due to not being able to perform their work duties safely. This training program will look at the different components of heat stress to help you understand the hazards and dangers associated with heat stress and educate you on ways to prevent it and protect yourself from illness and injury.
This training program on “Heat Stress” encourages employees to have a positive attitude about safety as well as provides introductory safety training on some of the most common workplace safety issues.
DVD with a CD-Rom Containing: Outline (English & Spanish), Quiz (English & Spanish), Answer Key, Certificate, Training Log, Wallet Card, PowerPoint Presentation (English & Spanish) & Manual
National Safety Compliance has developed this training video and materials to assist employers in complying with these regulations.

The video is 20 minutes and addresses the major areas needed to comply with the standard, including:

  • Definitions
  • Body Cooling Systems
  • Heat Stress
  • Heat-Related Illnesses & Treatment
  • Heat Index
  • Prevention & Protection
  • Conclusion


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