New for 2023: Food Safety & Personal Hygiene Training

Providing food safety training helps employees handle food responsibly. Food safety incidents put customer’s health in jeopardy, damages a company’s reputation, and costs your business money. This can threaten the long-term health of a business. National Safety Compliance has just released a new Food Safety & Personal Hygiene Training Program. This training is designed to give your staff a clear understanding of proper food handling and personal hygiene techniques to prevent foodborne illnesses.
Topics covered in the course include:
- Health Codes
- Your Personal Hygiene
- The Steps to Handling Food Safely
- Other Safety Rules When Handling and Preparing Food
Some benefits of proper food safety and personal hygiene training include, cutting down on waste, reducing the risk of food poisoning, employees gaining a better understanding of their job. This understanding will lead to improvements in work habits and practices. Our Food Safety & Personal Hygiene Training Course is versatile. It includes everything you need to train new employees or to use as a refresher course for current employees. The training video and documentation are available in several formats to meet your ever changing training needs.
Included in the training course:
- 22 Minute Training Video
- Employee Quiz & Answer Key
- Training Certificate
- Wallet Cards
- Power Point® Presentation and more.
Formats available:
- DVD or USB for Classroom Training
- Digital Access if you prefer to stream the content into the Classroom Training
- Online Training Course to assign the course to employees for them to take as they have time
In order to uphold high standards of personal hygiene and cleanliness, businesses must provide adequate food safety training to every employee who handles food. Proper training will ensure that everyone is aware of what they need to do, and how they need to do it. Food safety and personal hygiene training should not be one and done, it needs to be ongoing.
Our course is suitable for:
- New hire orientation
- Refresher / annual training
- Train the Trainer
- Class sizes from 1-100+
The World Health Organization estimates that illness from unsafe food causes 420,000 deaths per year. Safe food handling saves lives. Additional benefits of following proper food safety protocols include reduced economic loss, increased uptake of nutritious foods, and reduced environmental impact from food loss and waste. At NSC we offer affordable, reliable food safety & personal hygiene training.