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Alaska Increases OSHA Penalties 2020

Alaska Increases OSHA Penalties 2020

Alaska has increased the OSHA penalties for the Safety and Health Protection on The Job posting effective February 1, 2020. Alaska is required to adjust the civil monetary penalties for violations in the AKOSH posting according to the federal Occupational Safety and Health standards and regulations.

Alaska has increased the OSHA penalties for the Safety and Health Protection on The Job posting effective February 1, 2020.  Alaska is required to adjust the civil monetary penalties for violations in the AKOSH posting according to the federal Occupational Safety and Health standards and regulations. The Alaska posting under the Proposed Penalties paragraph now reads as follows:

The law provides for mandatory penalties against employers of up to $13,494 for each serious violation and for optional penalties of up to $13,494 for any other violations. Penalties of up to $13,494 per day may be proposed for failure to correct violations within the proposed time period. Also, any employer who willfully or repeatedly violates the law may be assessed penalties of up to $134,937 for each violation.

The Alaska Labor Law Poster has been updated and released with the revised changes.

Order your new Alaska Poster today!


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